March 20, 2009, Newsletter Issue #95: Hair Transplantation: Long Island Transplant Doctors

Tip of the Week

Bernstein Medical Tip: If you are looking for a reputable doctor to perform a hair transplantation Long Island has some of the most recognized and experienced doctors around today. These doctors offer the latest in hair transplant procedures and are well respected in many of the hair transplant forums on the Internet due to their high standards and ethical practices.

If you are considering hair transplantation on Long Island, there are many great hair transplant doctors to choose from. To find these doctors visit websites that offer directories and make a list of the doctors in the Long Island area. From there you can do individual research and/or consultations with these doctors to find the best one for you. It’s also a good idea to ask around on Internet forums for recommendations from former patients who can give you a first hand account of what it’s like to be a certain hair transplant doctor’s patient.

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