DHT and Hair Loss Tips

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Are there natural remedies for stopping premature hair loss?

Natural Alternaitves to Premature Hair Loss

If your father or grandfather was bald at an early age, you might be in panic mode about hair loss. After all, some men's hairlines begin receding in their teens. However, do not panic yet because it is never too early to investigate options that were not available to your older relatives.

Some drugs on the market act as DHT blockers and can prevent DHT baldness. An abundance of a certain hormone in the body causes this type of hair loss. Propecia is a DHT blocker, though some users claim experiencing sexual side effects.

Many people believe hair loss is best stopped or slowed down with supplements or a diet change. Eating sulfur-rich foods including meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and onions, as well as most other vegetables may help. Sulfur is found on the nails and skin, and it improves the circulation of blood and decreases inflammation. It is also believed that sulfur creams applied to the head increase the chance that lost hair will grow back.

If you are experiencing premature hair loss, talk to you doctor to make sure the condition is indeed DHT baldness. Then, investigate both traditional forms of treatment as well as natural ones to decide which is best for you. You might even find that combining a drug like Propecia and some diet changes will lead to the best results in stopping hair loss, and even growing back a full head of hair.

Can I address my hair loss naturally?

Address Hair Loss Naturally

Can aromatherapy help promote hair growth? It sounds silly, but many people believe it is true. Some studies concluded that a formula of jojoba oil, grape seed oil, lavender, thyme, cedar wood and rosemary increased hair growth in more than 40 percent of the participates.

The results may be because stress over hair loss probably contributes to the problem. Aromatherapy can help both in how you feel and promote a healthy attitude. In addition, these types of ingredients are likely not to cause side effects since they are all-natural.

Many people also believe that healthy blood circulation promotes hair growth. In fact, the Chinese believe that if you detoxify the kidneys, which are responsible for cleaning the body's blood, your hair will be healthier with less chance of falling out prematurely.

Try this remedy tea: 1/2 tablespoon of dandelion root, 1/2 tablespoon burdock root, 1/2 teaspoon licorice, and one and a half cups purified water. Boil in a non-aluminum pot and drink three times a day for 10 days, followed by one cup a day afterward. Natural remedies for hair loss are often overlooked. However, it will not hurt, so try it!

What terminology is important in the study of hair loss?

Hair Loss Basics

If you are a young man in your twenties or thirties experiencing premature hair loss, you might be scared that you will end up bald by forty. It could happen, especially considering an excess of DHT, a common condition that causes baldness in men, is hereditary.

To prevent and treat hair loss, do some research online. First, try to understand typical terms association with the condition of premature baldness. Here are some examples:

  • Androgens are male hormones, the most common being testosterone.
  • Anagen is the phase of hair growth when hair is actively growing.
  • Cortex is the middle layer of your hair that contains the pigment.
  • The cuticle is the outer layer of hair that is comprised of approximately seven layers of cells.
  • Keratin is a protein that composes hair.
  • Traction alopecia is loss of hair due to tight cornrows or an abundance of chemicals like bleach.
  • Hair follicles are tiny holes in your scalp where hair grows.
  • A hair bulb is the base of a hair.
  • Male pattern baldness refers to the loss of hair in men that starts with a receding hairline and ends with hair growing only on the sides and back of the head.
By familiarizing yourself with these and other terms, you can make the most of your online research about hair loss.

If I use herbal supplements to stop hair loss, what precautions should I take?

Exercise Caution when Using Supplements to Prevent DHT Baldness

The days of combovers, plugs and ridiculous toupees are through. That leaves hair transplants, and treatments like Rogaine and Propecia for dealing with DHT hair loss. Fortunately, these proven and effective hair transplant methods are now so advanced they are virtually undetectable.

However, you might not be ready for such treatments. Maybe you have heard that herbal and vitamin supplements will help. It is hard to know for sure because unlike other traditional treatments, the FDA does not regulate supplements. Still, some swear by them. Be sure to always approach supplements with caution. Here are some tips to consider before trying an all-natural approach to stopping or preventing hair loss:

  • Do not assume because it is natural that it is safe. Did you know that some prescriptions and over-the-counter herbal supplements might interact? This is especially true if you take Coumadin, aspirin or MAO inhibitors. Ask your doctor about herbal supplements, even if you do not take prescription drugs.
  • Certain supplements can increase the severity of some health conditions. This is especially true of ulcers, digestion issues, liver problems, kidney disease or enlarged prostate. They may also affect pregnant or nursing women.
  • Some supplements can affect surgical procedures. Always tell your surgeon what supplements you take before elective surgery. They may advise you to stop taking them two or three weeks prior to your procedure.
  • If you find that herbal supplements are working to stop or prevent your hair loss, do not assume a higher dose is better. Always follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage schedule.

How does DHT work in the body to cause hair loss?

DHT and Hair Loss

If you are a man in your late teens or early twenties experiencing hair loss or a receding hairline, you are not alone. It is actually a rather common occurrence. You might have heard family members joke about how baldness runs in the family. Nevertheless, the jokes are probably not very funny to you.

It is important to understand why this is happening. Hair loss is mostly linked to an increase in dihydrotestosterone, also called DHT, in the body. DHT forms after direct contact between enzymes known as 5-alpha reductase and testosterone. DHT then binds to the receptor sites on the scalp and hair follicles. DHT hair loss occurs when the hormone actually takes over the receptor cell. Since cells on the hair follicle bind to the DHT, they send false signals to the cells responsible for typical hair growth. This interrupts the normal three-phase process: growth, shedding and resting. This cycle can take up to six years to complete, but DHT causes shedding in abundance of growth.

After the hair recedes, men often find hair loss on the crown of the head, then the vertex, or top, of the scalp. This occurs because of a concentration of sweat glands that carry DHT to these specific areas. If some of your extended family members lost hair early in life, do not panic. There is medicine that blocks the DHT in your body. Additionally, consider a hair transplant to address the hair lost due to DHT.

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