Be Careful with Propecia

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Are there side effects to taking Propecia for hair loss?

Be Careful with Propecia

The FDA-approved pill Propecia inhibits the formation of DHT, a hair-loss causing hormone, in the scalp. Experts believe that DHT shortens the growth phase of hair follicles, causing them to shrink until there is less hair left on the scalp. Propecia is thought to help not only reduce further hair loss, but also enable new hair growth.

Propecia is obtained by prescription only. Unlike Rogaine, Propecia is a systemic and not a topical treatment. As with many medications, some side effects may occur. In clinical studies, less than two percent of men experienced certain temporary sexual side effects. These included less desire for sex, decreased semen levels and difficulty achieving an erection.

While Propecia was developed to treat mild to moderate male pattern baldness on the top of the head and mid-scalp region, evidence does not suggest it works for receding hairlines. Additionally, women and children should never take Propecia. In fact, women who may become or are pregnant should not handle crushed or broken bits of the drug because of the possibility of birth defects. If this accidentally happens to you, consult your doctor immediately. Propecia tablets are coated to prevent coming into contact with the active ingredient during normal handling. Given all this information, Propecia is still widely known as one of the most effective hair loss solutions on the market.



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